
Špilja Vjetrenica  smještena je na zapadnom rubu Popovog polja u selu Zavala, općin Ravno, BiH, 25 km sjeverozapadno od Dubrovnika, RH.

Kad za vrijeme ljetnih žega stanete ispred ulaz u Vjetrenicu bit će vam jasno zašto se zove vjetrenica. Strujanje zraka je snažno, može dosegnuti brzinu do 15m/s.

Istraženo je 7013,90 metara kanala.

Obiluje prostranim hodnicima i dvoranama, jezerima, vodopadima i brojnim nakupinama siga.

1461. spominje je Dubrovački Senat a Plinije Stariji (Gaius Plinius Secundus) jos u 1. stoljeću, 23-79 godine u Historia naturalis spominje špilju koja je slična Vjetrenici.

Jedna je od najbogatijih špilja u svijetu po biološkoj raznolikosti sa stalnom temperaturom zraka od 11° C. Više od stotinu vrsta pronađeno je u Vjetrenici a oko 37 vrsta prvi put je pronađeno i opisano u Vjetrenici.

1968. pronađen je cjelovit kostur leoparda.



Čovječja ribica je endemska vrsta. Živi u podzemnim vodama dinarskog krša.

Oči su nerazvijene, prekrivene kožom ružičaste boje

Naraste od 23-25 cm. Mužjaci su nešto manji od ženki.

Na prednjim nogama se nalaze tri prsta, a na stražnjim dva. Vertikalno spljošteni rep kraći je od tijela. Diše plućima i kožom ali čitav život zadržava i po tri vanjske čupave škrge koje se nalaze na obje strane glave.

Pretpostavlja se da mogu doživjeti 58 godina, iako postoje i nepotvrđene tvrdnje da mogu doživjeti preko 100 godina.


Za više informacija o Vjetrenici, posjetite vjetrenica.ba.

Vjetrenica Cave


Vjetrenica is located on the western edge of  Popovo polje in the village Zavala in Ravno, Southern Hercegovina,  25 km northwest of Dubrovnik, Croatia.

The name of the cave means Wind Cave, the reason for which is immediately obvious, when one arrives at the gated entrance.

In the summer the wind blows rather strong, it can reach a speed of more than 15m/s

The existence of the cave was known for a very long time, it was already mentioned in 1461 on the session of the Senat of Durovnik. Yet much earlier, Pliny the Elder (Gaius Plinius Secundus, AD 23-79) mentions in his work Historia naturalis a cave which is most likely Vjetrenica.

It is the largest cave system discovered in Bosnia and Herzegovina It has been explored to a length of  7 013 90m .

The temperature in the cave is constantly 11, 4 ° C.

There are so many galleries and corridors, lakes, waterfalls and numerous stalactites and stalagmites.

Vjetrenica is one of the richest caves in term of subterranean biodiversity.  And the cave also contains the bones of extinct animals, like cave bear (Ursus spelaeus). Most important was the discovery of complete skeleton of a leopard (Panthera pardus).

More than hundred different species are registered in the cave, and about 37 were discovered and described in Vjetrenica for the first time.


The  amphibious cave salamander Proteus anguinus, more commonly known as “čovječja ribica” or “human fish” because of its skin color, is the most well-known of the rare endemic species.
It lives in the waters that flow underground through limestone region.This animal is most notable for its adaptations to a life of complete darkness in its underground habitat.
Eyes are poorly developed and covered by skin. All its other senses are acutely developed. It also lacks any pigmentation in its skin. It eats, sleeps, and breeds underwater. Proteus anguinus is thought to be the longest-lived amphibian species
The average total length lies between 23-25 cm. Males are somewhat smaller than females.The front legs bear three toes, the rear legs two toes.There are three pink external gills on each side of the head.


For more information, see vjetrenica.ba.
